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Before we figure out why spring is an excellent time to contact your local Arborist, perhaps we should first provide the reason it is imperative that you hire an Arborist.

If you have trees in your property, whether it’s residential or commercial, you will need someone to maintain, trim, prune, and look after the plants’ health and well-being on a regular basis. That someone is a professional known as an Arborist.

Arborists are trained professionals who specialize in the care and maintenance of individual trees. They have the appropriate training and knowledge with regards to the proper handling of various types of trees. In layman’s terms, Arborists are tree experts who are certified to apply their expertise.

Why Is Spring a Good Time to Contact an Arborist?

Well, if you want to do annual spring cleaning on your home, office, or business establishment, there is no reason why you shouldn’t invest the same time and effort taking care of your tree’s needs during this time of year.

All the other seasons can be challenging to most trees because of the extreme temperatures, storms, and winds they have to endure. Droughts, heavy rains, thunderstorms, ice, and snow—all of these can take a toll on the trees in your property, especially if you live in an area that experiences these types of conditions each and every year.

Springtime is the only time when trees can grow new life, recover, and then relax, making it a good time for maintenance and light pruning if necessary. Removing dead, diseased and broken branches should be removed when noticed, especially after an active winter. Look for water sprouts and suckers for removal as well. These advantageous limbs and sprouts which are weakly attached and drain needed nutrients to healthy limbs.

1. To Perform Tree Maintenance Services

Much like your car, your home’s air conditioning system, or your own body, trees also require routine inspections and maintenance. And these checks are best conducted during spring.

  • Tree maintenance is necessary to ensure optimal health, diagnose potential diseases, catch mold and pest infestation before they spread, and to check the soil condition.

2. To Do Necessary Tree Trimming

The subfreezing temperatures during the winter months and the fluctuating temperatures in late winter and early spring can cause serious problems to your trees. These harsh conditions can leave their limbs and branches weak. If left alone, those weakened branches can become a serious hazard, especially when faced with strong winds and storms. The warm spring weather provides an opportune time to remove these potential hazards and allow the tree to recover and grow.

  • Through a proper trimming process, you can remove some of the winter damage sustained by the trees and help restore their vibrant beauty as spring progresses.

3. To Do Any Tree Pruning Services

Pruning is one of the processes employed by Arborists to restore the shape and structure of snow-damaged trees. Removing dead, broken and diseased branches should be removed when noticed, this can be done any time of the year.

As spring progresses, your trees will start to become thicker as they get covered with green leaves. During this period, pruning becomes essential to help give the tree proper shape and structure. Pruning will also help ensure the right balance of new growth, especially when new growth is heavier or thicker on one side.

  • The right pruning process will not only help restore beauty and shape to your trees, but it also helps with the integrity of their limbs and branches.

Note: You should avoid hiring Arborists or tree companies that practice tree topping as a technique to control tree shape and structure. Tree topping, the practice of removing whole tops of trees, is not only detrimental to the health and integrity of the tree; it’s downright illegal in some states.

4. To Provide Tree Removal Services

Let’s get one thing straight: tree removal should only be considered as a last resort and not a primary solution to dealing with snow-damaged trees. Often times, trees that sustained damage from the previous winter can still recover when handled correctly.

However, there are times where the damage sustained by a tree is so severe that restoring it is virtually impossible. At times like these, when the structural integrity of the tree is so compromised that it now poses a potential hazard, tree removal may be your only option. Springtime is the best time to do it.

Ready to Bring In a Professional Arborist?

This spring is the time to schedule a meeting with a team of expert arborists to look at your trees. American Arborists provides Reno with top-quality tree care and maintenance services. Give us a call today to find out what services we can provide to you and your home.

Tree removal, pruning, trimming and maintenance costs can add up. That’s why American Arborists offers our valued clients with a variety of coupon options. To learn more, reach out to our team today!

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