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Celebrate October As A Month Of Smiles

Celebrate October as the Month of Smiles

Everyone knows that October is the start of the fall season and the month of Halloween, but most orthodontists know October as the National Orthodontic Health Month. The dental health world uses the month to celebrate beautiful smiles, raise awareness on orthodontic health, and highlight the importance of orthodontics being an essential part of your overall dental health.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a process of straightening your teeth, beautifying your smile and fixing all other dental issues by putting pressure and moving your teeth in their correct position.

Many believe that orthodontics demands too much commitment, patience, and time to bear with metallic brackets and wires. Some might even have different misconceptions regarding orthodontics. However, nowadays, through technological advancements, we have changed these beliefs and brought many other treatment options that are less visible, faster and reliable. These options include Gold Braces, Clear Aligners, and invisible braces. Braces are the most common method of treatment chosen for children and teens.

Who Is Orthodontic Treatment For?

Anyone who has crowded, spaced, crooked, or prominent teeth or has an incorrect bite (i.e., overbite, underbite, crossbite, etc.) is an eligible candidate for orthodontics.

Process of Orthodontics

Why is Orthodontic Necessary?

Oral health is significant to maintain your physical health. What you eat decides what you retain in the body so any dental issues that are left untreated means a potential development of serious issues such as tooth decay, tooth loss, gum disease, chewing and speaking issues, misaligned jaws or other serious problems.

What is the Cost of Orthodontic Treatment?

With the latest advancements in treatment processes, many orthodontists are able to offer financial accommodations. Although the treatment cost varies with different issues, many orthodontists offer interest free installments and no down payments plans to their patients making treatment easier and affordable.

You Can Enjoy Halloween with Orthodontics

Dentists understand that you can’t compromise on fun during Halloween. If you are a potential candidate or currently going through orthodontic treatment; the American Association of Orthodontists has some tips for you.

You can still enjoy Halloween without harming your braces, aligners and other orthodontic appliances.

  • Say “NO” to hard, sticky, gummy, and chewy candies, lollipops and any other items that consist of caramel, gummies, licorice, gum and jelly beans this Halloween. You can still enjoy sugar-free candies and other healthier treats like fruits and vegetables.
  • Some healthier treats might not be good for your braces such as nuts and or nuts-filled treats, chips and popcorn as they can easily get damaged, bent or break.
  • Brushing and flossing after each time you consume sugary or starchy food is a MUST.

If you haven’t started orthodontic treatment yet, now is the time to start. Please contact us or come right in to schedule your complimentary consultation. We would love to discuss your orthodontic needs for you or your family!

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