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“In this world nothing can be said to be certain,
except death and taxes.”

Benjamin Franklin

An Estate Tax Combines Them Both

Sometimes referred to as a “death tax,” this federal tax is levied on the transfer of assets once an individual passes away.

Assets are exempt from this tax only up to a certain amount of money. The exemption amount in 2023 is $12,920,000. However, in 2026, the exemption amount will be lower to approximately $5 million (adjusted yearly for inflation).

As with all tax rates and exemptions, this could change based on changes in the law.

Exemption Thresholds

Years of Death If Amount Described Above Exceeds:
2011 $5,000,000
2012 $5,120,000
2013 $5,250,000
2014 $5,340,000
2015 $5,430,000
2016 $5,450,000
2017 $5,490,000
2018 $11,180,000
2019 $11,400,000
2020 $11,580,000
2021 $11,700,000
2022 $12,060,000
2023 $12,920,000